CS 4/53111 - Structure of Compilers - Project 3
Operator-Precedence Parser for Expressions
Due Thursday, April 27, 2006

Write an operator-precedence parser for expressions. The parser should handle the following productions:

expr --> expr MULOP expr
expr --> expr ADDOP expr
expr --> expr RELOP expr
expr --> expr ANDOP expr
expr --> expr OROP expr
expr --> UNARYOP expr
expr --> NOTOP expr
expr --> ID LBRK expr RBRK
expr --> LPAR expr RPAR
expr --> NUM
expr --> BCONST
expr --> ID
expr --> ID LPAR expr_list RPAR

where expr_list is one or more expressions separated by commas. Click here for a table of the precedence relations.

Write the parser as a function of no arguments that generates quadruples to evaluate an expression and returns a pointer to the symbol table entry for the expression. This function replaces the function in project 2 that evaluates constant expressions so give it the same name. The code in project 2 will call this parser each time it expects to see an expression; this parser will generate quadruples and return a pointer to the caller when it reaches an accept state.

Testing: You can de-bug your project using test3pas as a source file: the output file should look like test3code. To help you de-bug the project test3sym is a listing of the symbol table.

Follow these guidelines when submitting the project. Click here for some hints about the project.

Kenneth E. Batcher - 1/3/2006