CS 49995/59995: ST: Scientific Vizualization

Enrichment Course Proposal

To provide an introduction to the fundamentals of and software environments used in scientific visualization.

Course Title:
ST: Scientific Visualization.

Title Abbreviation:

Catalog Description:
An introduction to the fundamentals of and software environments used in scientific visualization.

CS 33001

Dan Bennett and Arden Ruttan

Class Schedule:
  1. June 12-June 30, M-T, 9:00-10:40:Lectures.
  2. July 1-July 21, T,9:00-10:40:Problem Solving.
  3. July 22-July 28, M-T ,9:00-10:40, Lectures.
  4. July 29-August 4, M-T ,9:00-10:40, Lectures and Project Presentations.
Course Contents:
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Writing expectation and course evaluation:
Students will be expected to complete and present a project involving Scientific Visualization of significant complexity. Students will also be given daily assignments to accompany the lectures.

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