Binary Search Trees

A binary search tree has the property, for any node x be a node in a binary search tree,

       /  \
     15    40
    /  \   / \
   9  18  38  44
   /   /  / \
  5   17 31 39

For a BST an inorder traversal outputs the nodes in order.

We look at pseudocode for BST common operations.


Binary search tree search, recursive.

bstSearch(n, v)           // node n, value v
    if (n == 0 || v == n->value)   // not in tree or n has the target 
        return n
    else if (v < n->value)      // search left subtree
        return bstSearch(n->left, v)
    else if (v > n->value)      // search right subtree
        return bstSearch(n->right, v)

Binary search tree search, iterative.

bstSearch(n, v)           // node n, value v
    while (n != 0 && v != n->value)
        if (v < n->value)
            n = n->left       // search left subtree
        if (v > n->value)
            n = n->right       // search right subtree
    return n
Current Node Action -LOCATING DATA IN A TREE-
Root = 50 Compare item = 37 and 50
37 < 50, move to the left subtree
Node = 30 Compare item = 37 and 30
37 > 30, move to the right subtree
Node = 35 Compare item = 37 and 35
37 > 35, move to the right subtree
Node = 37 Compare item = 37 and 37. Item found.


Binary search tree minimum. The leftmost child has the minimum value.

bstMin(n)           // node n
    while (n->left != 0)
        n = n->left
    return n

What change is needed for maximum?


Binary search tree insertion. If the tree is not null make the new node the root, otherwise search for leaf location where inserting a new node will maintain the BST property.

bstInsertion(T, n)      // T is a tree, n is a node
    root = T.root
    if (root == 0)      // empty tree
            // Do a binary search to find where node should go. Keep
            // track of each node's parent as we go down through the tree.
        x = root
        while (x != 0)    // there is at least 1 iteration
            par_x = x     // save parent of x
            if (n->value < x->value)
                x = x->left  // move to left subtree
                x = x->right // move to right subtree

            // Do insert, x is null, par_x is parent of x
        if (n->value < par_x->value)
            par_x->left = n
            par_x->right = n 

The resulting tree is not necessarily balanced.

Create the binary tree that results from inserting the following sequences of values (in the given order):

  1. 10, 7, 12, 5, 22, 4, 6, 25, 21
  2. 10, 11, 13, 17, 22, 25


Binary search tree successor. Think of the inorder traversal. Two cases:

  1. node n has a right child -
    The successor of n is the minimum of n's right subtree.
  2. node n doesn't have a right child -
    Move up parent links as long as each node is its parent's right child. When a node is the left child of its parent, the parent of that node is the successor of node n.

Or, find the subtree of which n is the maximum, the parent of the root of that subtree is n's successor.

Requires a parent link.

Ex., Given the tree below find: successor(8), successor(22), successor(19), successor(9), successor(29).

            /  \
          10    27
         /  \   / \
        2   17 25 29
           /  \
         15   19
         / \    \
       12  16   20
bstSuccessor(n)           // node n
  if (n->right != 0)
    return bstMin(n->right)    // find min of the right subtree
    y = n->parent
    x = n
    while (y != 0 &&
        x == y->right)  // true if x is a right child of its parent
      x = y        // move x up
      y = y->parent    // move y up
    return y         // y is parent of x and x is left child of y


The binary search tree delete has the complication that a node may have children which are orphaned when the parent is deleted.

Binary search tree delete, 3 cases, d is the node to be deleted:

of children
0 delete node d
1 splice out node d
2 More complicated, do the following:
  1. find node s, the successor of d. s is the minimum of d's right subtree. Note that s has no left child.
  2. Replace node d with s, Two cases
    1. s is right child of d

      Effectively node s will move in to d's spot by adjusting links.

      1. d's left child becomes s's left child (s had no left child)
      2. d's parent becomes s's parent
    2. s is not right child of d

      Effectively node d's successor will move in to d's spot by adjusting links.

      1. s's parent's left child gets s's right child (subtree).
      2. d's left child becomes s's left child (s had no left child)
      3. d's right child becomes s's right child (s's old right child given up previously)
      4. d's parent becomes s's parent





node* copyTree (n)     // n points to root of subtree to copy
  if (n == 0)
    return 0
    new_left = copyTree(n->left)
    new_right = copyTree(n->right)
    new_node = node(new_left, new_right, n->data)
    return new_node 

What traversal is used?

Delete Tree

  if (n != 0)
    delete n 

What traversal is used?





In general, for a binary tree,

In a balanced binary tree the depth of all leaves is the same or 1 plus the least.

Balanced binary tree analyses, worst case (for each, why?),

operation complexity
search O(log2 n)
minimum O(log2 n)
successor O(log2 n)
insertion O(log2 n)
deletion O(log2 n)

A red-black tree is a binary tree where nodes are assigned colors and certain properties are maintained, the maintainence of which insures that the tree will stay balanced.