Systems Programming Homework 2

Systems Programming Homework 2

All assignments should be completed on or Your login will be your Flashline login and password.
  1. Backing up files by making copies is a good idea. However reading a file for backup changes the last access time for the file.
    Write a program backup.c which makes a backup copy of a file, but does not result in the access time being changed, and which ensures that the modification and last access time of the backup copy is the same as those of the original file. The syntax of the command should be backup file and the backup file should be file.bak for example if file is prog.c the backup will be prog.c.bak.
  2. Enhance the simple version of write1.c in the examples, which takes a login name to print an identifying message similar to write, which includes the originating user and terminal.
    Your program should handle special cases. The person you want to chat to might not be logged on. If so it should warn the originator. On the other hand, if the person you want to chat to might be logged in on multiple terminals. If so you should select the terminal which was logged into last to communicate to. Call the program write2.c

Place both programs and a Makefile and any other information on running them in a directory hw2 for which the permissions only permit the user (you) to access it.

This assignment is an individual assignment, to be done on your own without help from other students in the class.

Instructions for submitting the homework using svn are contained in this file.

Due: Tuesday February 23, 2016.

Paul A. Farrell