Web Programming II


Q: How do I get SVG to work on the Mac?
You can get SVG to work on Safari without a problem. It just took a couple minutes to download the viewer www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install. Once you close Safari and open it again, it works. There's also a test page www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/svgtest.html
Q: What is an SKU number?

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit and a company will assign distinct SKU numbers to the products in its inventory.

Q: Is XML a markup language like HTML?

No, XML is a set of tools to help define and process markup languages in a systematic way.

XML-defined languages are knowns as XML applications and include such languages as MathML and SVG

Q: Are there freely available shopping carts?

Yes, definitely. See the resoruces page for links.

Q: What is SVG?

Scallable Vector Graphics is an XML application for specifying graphics using points, lines, and other basic geometric shapes. It is a W3C recommendation.

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