Department of Computer Science
Kent State University
Page last updated: November 18, 2004


If you are interested in knowing how the newest (though not the greatest) of the modern tehcnological wonders Internet & World Wide Web works, what goes on silently on the millions of interconnected computers at the speed of nano and microseconds to bring you information, documents, and services from half a world apart from millions, just by the click of a button, this is the course for you.

This is not a course to learn HTML or JAVA programming. Rather, this is about the components (technologies) of Internet,  how all of  these are working, and their design. We will cover topics ranging from networks to open arch server/cleint systems. 

To complete our indepth learning,  this course involves practical group project where students build their own mini Server and mini Browser. This is the starting point for web application engineers and developers. If your thesis/ dissertation involves systems linked with web, this is for you too.


  • If you are fascinated by Web, want to know how it works with reasonable technical depth, and curious about its inner design and working mechanisms.
  • If you want to develop your own Internnet applications/ servers/ browsers/services.
  • If you want that extra edge in the  job market which is riding on the  Internet explosion.
  • If you want to do /thesis/dissertation/research on Networking, Internet, Distributed Systems and Web technology.
  • If you plan to do a project/thesis/dissertation in any other field (Math, CS, business ad, fashion design, psychology, physics, etc.) but want to connect your work with Internet.


Internet Engineering Teaching Laboratory. It is a  new laboratory and is a piece of the real Internet backbone with industrial strength routers and high performance links.

The students in the class will use this lab, and get first hand experinece in the technology that is running today's Internet. This experince will be invaluable in understainding the technologies running large networks (such as national backbone or ISP network). There is only few such facilities in USA.


The course generally demands considerable involvement including project implementation.

  • The infrastructure of Internet.
  • ISP traffic engineering.
  • How to develop software that communicates over Internet.
  • How Webservers and Browsers are designed.
  • How Java and CGI programs are run.
  • How streaming audio and video is delivered to a Browser.
  • What is a proxy server and firewall and how they secure intranet.
  • How certificate, digital signature, etc. works.
  • How to connect your own specialized client/server/service with Internet server.


Courses in Computer Networks & Operating Systems, Solid programming skill in C or C++  , or Java will help  survive the projects. If you are not sure about your background please contact me.


The couse  makes extensive use of online materials and uses reference texts.

Graduate student looking for research engagement? You may plan to take the sequel course CS 6/755999 ST: Advances in Internet Systems and Applications. Here we will continue our journey and learn about the ‘research’ frontier on emerging new Internet systems that will transform the future leading to thesis and dissertation topics.