

 CS 5/43201, 2006 SPRING, Department of Math and Computer Science, Kent State University

This page last updated on 1/22/2006




Professor: Dr. Javed I. Khan



Spring 2006: Xiao Zou Email: xzou1 @ kent.edu
Office Hour: 9:00am - 12:00 am Wednesday, Room 252 MCS

If you have registered you can join the class email list right now by sending
an email to javed@kent.edu with subject = OS06S.
Please enter your name, SS#, telephone numbers inside the email.

Meeting Time:

2:45-5:00pm TR, ROOM#121

Text Book:


Test Operating System:

The course projects will be based on "Nachos". There will be two programming projects.


Related Information Sites:


Nachos Information:

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