CS 6/74401 Image Processing


Fri, 12 45 PM - 3 30 PM, 243 MSB

Learning Objectives

Understand principal methods used in image processing. Demonstrate knowledge of major components of digital image processing systems. Propose, plan, and implement a final independent project.

Text/Reference (optional)

Course Contents



Course Information



There will be 1 test each worth 20% of your overall grade.


There will be two presentations worth 40% of your overall grade.

Term Project

There will be a term project worth report 40% of your overall grade.

General Policies

In order that work can be graded and returned promptly late assignments will not be accepted without an excused absence.

Any work that you do for this class is to be your own. Any violation means that the work will not be accepted and further action will be taken.

It is up to the student to make up any missed material. Make-ups will only be given in the case of an excused absence or a documented, valid emergency. This includes tests and homework. I encourage you to contact me if an emergency arises.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating and Plagiarism

Student Accessibility Services

Student Accessibility Service

C. C. Lu / lucc@cs.kent.edu