Introduction to Computer Science

Homework #1

Survey, Computer Specs, and Some Famous People

Due: January 23, 2006 by 23:59:59

  1. Send me an email and tell me a little about yourself.
    1. Name and email address
    2. Your current major (e.g. Computer Science, Mathematics, etc.) and class rank (e.g. Freshman, Sophomore, etc.)
    3. Briefly describe your Computer Science background and experience ("none" is OK!)
    4. How familiar are you with the following languages (to give me an idea of what computer languages people know)
      1. C/C++
      2. Java
      3. Pascal
      4. FORTRAN
      5. Python
      6. Other (please list)
  2. Do you have a computer?  If so, tell me...
    1. Brand and model
    2. Amount of memory
    3. Amount of disk space
    4. Type of microprocessor
  3. Using your text book or the world wide web tell me why these people are famous.  (One or two complete grammatically correct sentences is fine).
    1. Herman Hollerith
    2. John von Neumann
    3. Nicholas Wirth
    4. Linus Torvalds