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Story Problems Parallel Programming
List of Story Problems Anglish Statements
Labeled Tables Associative Tables
Compound Names Restricted Adjectives

Examples of Associative Tables

--------------------------------            --------------------------------
| size |color|  cost   |object |            | size |color|  cost   |object |
--------------------------------            --------------------------------
| big  | blue|  cheap  | car   |            | big  | blue|  cheap  | car   |
--------------------------------            --------------------------------
|small | red |expensive| table |            |small | red |expensive| table |
--------------------------------            --------------------------------
|medium|green|moderate |bicycle|            |medium|green|moderate |bicycle|
--------------------------------            --------------------------------
| big  | red |  cheap  | car   |            | big  | blue|  cheap  |bicycle|
--------------------------------            --------------------------------

          The color$.                               The blue object.        
                                                    The big car.            
                                                    The big blue car.       
                                                    The blue colored object.