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Direct and Inverse Relationship Problems

A coal mine yields 460 tons of coal every two days. How much coal is produced in five days?

A water pump ejects 650 gallons every three hours. How long would it take to eject 325 gallons?

A forty-eight mile trip takes 30 minutes. How long would a seventy-two mile trip take traveling at the same speed?

A two carat diamond costs eighteen hundred dollars. How much would a similar diamond of 2/3 carat cost?

A tetter totter has 105 pounds on one side at 4.4 feet. How many pounds are needed at 5 feet on the other side to balance it?

With an outside pressure of 34 psi, a baloon has a volumn of 42 cubic feet. What is its volume with an outside pressure of 28 psi?

An 8 inch pulley turning at 125 prm drives a 5 inch pulley. What is the speed of the 5 inch pulley?