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Sequential Steps

When multiple formulas are needed to calculate a solution, the program can take two forms. For example, the two forms of the program shown below are equivalent. However, the one on the right is a better description of the actions required to solve the problem.

percent = ((total-portion wrong)/total)X100;        portion right = total-portion wrong;
                                                    percent = (portion right/total)X100;
The order of the statements is important. They must be calculated in the order specified. Thus
portion right = total - portion wrong;        and   percent = (portion right/total)X100;
percent = (portion right/total) X 100;              right = total - portion wrong;
are NOT equivalent. Given a table similar to the quiz problem, the sequence on the left produces
                   |     |wrong  |right  |       |
                   |  35 |  7    | 28    |       |
and then           -------------------------------
                   |     |wrong  |right  |       |
                   |  35 |  7    | 28    |  80   |
However, the sequence on the right would attempt to perform the division "portion right/total" before the portion right had been calculated producing an error.