CS 69191: Masters Seminar
CS 89191: Doctoral Seminar

Spring 2010

Student Presentation:
Security Threats in VANETs

Talal Albalawi

In the last century, Cars talking to cars or even to the drivers was an idea of a science fiction movie like Knight Rider, but for the last couple of years and with the addition of complicated electronics on board vehicles this idea began to change. Vehicles are becoming smarter in the sense of computer intelligence. Rising number of accidents which lead to the loss of human s, encouraged scientist to use the current available technology to make driving safer. In addition to implementing safety applications, also entertainment applications like downloading music while driving on the highway are considered in the research. All these issues lead to the growing interest in the area of VANETs. Combining the computing power, GPS capabilities and benefitting from the Adhoc-Network concepts we would be able to implement safety applications which are the focus of current VANET research. Safety applications depend on the exchange of safety messages which are critical in situations that can lead for example in avoiding an accident. These messages have to be handled in a special way, but also their security is a problem. What would happen if a message is sent to warn other drivers in night conditions about an accident but that message never got to its intended recipients because of an intruder who have attacked the network? For the presentation the focus is about the security issues in VANETs concerning the exchange of safety messages. Identifying the security threats and presenting possible solutions proposed by some authors.