TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Weeks Labs Lectures CSI A 1. first program L1(intro/history) L2(development environment) L3 (variables) 2. branching L4 (types/expressions) L5 (logical expressions/branching/selection) 3. looping L6 (iterative constructs) predefined functions programmer defined functions, call-by-value 4. perdefined functions program design separate file compilation 5. call-by-value, void functions multiple files call by reference 6. call-by reference arrays arrays arrays II 7. no labs strings 8. no labs file I/O CSI B 9. stings/fileIO structures 10. structures classes 11. pointers, pointers dynamic memory allocation dynamic memory allocation 12. objects with objects with dynamically allocated members dyamic members 13. vectors multidimenstional arrays namespaces 14. multidimentional arrays, recursion vectors of vectors 15 no labs