Non-Rigid Registration

Thin-Plate Spline

1. Background 

Thin-plate spline comes from the physics concept. It is used for the non-rigid registration, because they have the property of minimizing the "bending" energy.  The idea is best thought of as a two dimensional deformable plate (such as a thin steel plate) where you are pushing up from underneath it at a given set of points.  Because you are requiring the height of the plate to be fixed at given locations, the plate will bend to fit.  The energy required to do the bending can be parameterized as satisfying the biharmonic equation:
Biharmonic equation
The solution to this equation takes the form:U(r) where r   is the Euclidian distance.

This however, represents a z-axis displacement to the deformable plate.  When you are deforming images, what you actually want to do is an in-plane deformation.  You want to move an (x, y) location to a new (x', y') location.  This is very easy to do, as you simply create an function for the x displacement, and a function for the y displacement.
Where represents P_i represents the ith landmark point.  And the distance is calculated using the Euclidian distance distance
The nice thing about this form for f is that it can easily be rewritten into a matrix form:
f(x,y) matrix

The only thing left is to compute the weights for W_I, and A_I.  This is done by creating a list of the deformations at each of the landmark points.  In other words, you write down the equation f for each landmark point, P_i .  Then you solve the system of equations by doing a matrix inversion.

2. Coding:

IDL is the environment used here.

In the TPS is calculated. Then the formula is used to calculate  the corresponding position of  all the points in the template image.

3. Result:

One Simple example

Template Target

The Control points will be selected as the vertex of the triangle

Deformed Template Template Grid Deformed Template Grid
Deformed Target Target Grid Deformed Target Grid

If the control points in these two images include in the four corner of the image:

Deformed Template Template Grid  Deformed template grid
Deformed Target Target Grid Deformed target grid

The clips generated to demonstrate the deforming procedure:

(1) 3 Control points

(2) 7 Control points

Following is the template image and target image which are more complex.

(1) Control Points including the four corners.

(2) Control Points not include the four corners.

(3) More Control Points including the four corners.
