Papers delivered at conferences authored or co-authored by
Kenneth E. Batcher.
Sorting Networks and their Applications, 1968 Spring
Joint Computer Conference, AFIPS Proc. vol. 32, pp 307-314.
- Flexible Parallel Processing and STARAN, 1972
WESCON Technical Papers, Session 1.
- STARAN/RADCAP Hardware Architecture, 1973
Sagamore Computer Conf. on Parallel Processing, pp 147-152.
- STARAN Parallel Processor System Hardware, 1974
National Computer Conf., AFIPS Proc. vol. 43, pp 405-410.
- The Multi-Dimensional Access Memory in STARAN,
1975 Sagamore Computer Conf. on Parallel Processing, p 167.
- The Flip Network in STARAN, 1976 Int'l. Conf. on
Parallel Processing, pp 65-71.
- STARAN Series E, 1977 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel
Processing, pp 140-143.
- MPP - A Massively Parallel Processor, 1979 Int'l.
Conf. on Parallel Processing, p 249.
- The Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) System,
AIAA Second Computers in Aerospace Conf., pp 93-97, Oct. 1979.
- Architecture of a Massively Parallel Processor,
Seventh Int'l. Symposium on Computer Architecture, pp 168-173,
May 1980. Reprinted in `Selected Papers of 25 Years of the
Int'l. Symposia on Computer Architecture`, ed. Gurindar Sohi, ACM
Press, 1998, pp 174-179.
- MPP: A Supersystem for Satellite Image Processing,
1982 National Computer Conf., AFIPS Proc. vol. 51, pp 185-191.
- Architecture of the MPP, 1983 IEEE Computer Society
Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image
Data Base Management (CAPAIDM), pp 170-174.
- The MPP Staging Memory, 1984 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel
Processing, pp 496-498.
- The Massively Parallel Processor (MPP), IEEE Spring
Compcon 1985, pp 21-24.
- VLSI in the Massively Parallel Processor, Advanced
Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the Fourth MIT Conference, edited
by C. E. Leiserson, MIT Press, April 1986, p 235.
- The Architecture of Tomorrow's Massively Parallel
Computer, Invited Keynote Address at the Frontiers of
Massively Parallel Scientific Computation Conference, NASA
Conference Publication 2478, Sept. 1986, pp 151-157.
- The MPP in the Future, Sixth Annual Int'l. Phoenix
Conf. on Computers and Communications, Feb. 1987, pp 60-62.
- On Bitonic Sorting Networks, 1990 Int'l. Conf. on
Parallel Processing, vol. I, pp 376-379.
- Decomposition of Perfect Shuffle Networks, 1991
Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. I, pp 255-262.
- Multiple Fault Tolerant Cube-Connected Cycles
Networks, 1991 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. I, pp
327-330, (co-authored with C. Jimmy Shih).
- A Modulo Merge Sorting Network, Fourth Symposium
on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers 92),
pp 164-169, IEEE Computer Society Press, Oct. 1992 (co-authored
with Kathy J. Liszka).
- Low-cost Flexible Simulation with the Static Perfect
Shuffle Network, Fourth Symposium on the Frontiers of
Massively Parallel Computation (Frontiers 92), pp 434-441, IEEE
Computer Society Press, Oct. 1992.
- A Generalized Bitonic Sorting Network, 1993 Int'l.
Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. I, pp 105-108, Aug. 1993
(co-authored with Kathy J. Liszka).
- On the Bit-Level Complexity of Bitonic Sorting
Networks, 1993 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. III, pp
209-213, Aug. 1993 (co-authored with Majed Al-Hajery).
- Multicast Bitonic Network, Fifth IEEE Symp. on
Parallel and Distributed Processing, pp 320-326, Sep. 1993
(co-authored with Majed Al-Hajery).
- Low Cost Complexity of k-bits Bitonic Sorting
Network, Sixth Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Systems, pp 443-447, Oct. 1993 (co-authored with Majed
- Low Cost Complexity of a General Multicast Network,
Eighth Annual Int'l. Parallel Processing Symposium, pp 23-29, Apr.
1994 (co-authored with Majed Al-Hajery).
- On Sorting Multiple Bitonic Sequences, 1994 Int'l.
Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. I, pp 121-125, Aug. 1994
(co-authored with De-Lei Lee).
- SIMD or MIMD?, Invited Plenary Address at the
Seventh Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems,
Oct. 1994.
- Partitioning the Recirculating Shuffle-Exchange
Network, Seventh Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Systems, pp 22-27, Oct. 1994 (co-authored with
Jae-dong Lee).
- On the Multicast Routing in Bit-Serial Sorting
Networks, Seventh Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Systems, pp 446-453, Oct. 1994 (co-authored with Majed
- Simplifying Multistage Hardware Interconnections in
the Bitonic Sorting Network, Seventh IASTED/ISMM Int'l.
Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pp
138-142, Oct. 1995 (co-authored with Jae-Dong Lee).
- Fault Detection in Bitonic Sorting Networks, Seventh
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, pp 266-270,
Oct. 1995 (co-auhored with Hongin Choi).
- Bitonic Sorting on Benes Networks, Tenth Int'l.
Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS '96), pp 749-753, Apr. 1996
(co-authored with Beverly M. Gocal).
- A Bitonic Sorting Network with Simpler
Flip-Interconnections, Second Int'l. Symp. on Parallel
Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN '96), pp 104-109,
June 1996 (co-authored with Jae-Dong Lee).
- Minimizing Communication of a Recirculating Bitonic
Sorting Network, 1996 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol.
I, pp 251-254, Aug. 1996 (co-authored with Jae-Dong Lee).
- Using the Quartet property to design recursively expandable optical switches,
Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering - (SPIE 2001),
(co-authored with M. Rahmani).
- Fallacies and Pitfalls in Building Supercomputers,
Invited Plenary Address at the International Conference for High Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC07), 2007.
Kenneth E. Batcher - 11/29/2008