Dr. Feodor F. Dragan

Professor of Computer Science


Feodor F. Dragan received the M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Moldova State University, in 1985, and the PhD degree in Theoretical Computer Science from the Belorussian Academy of Sciences, in 1990. He was an Assistant and then an Associate Professor at the Mathematics and Computer Science Department of Moldova State University from 1988 to 1999. From 1994 to 1999, he was on leave of absence and worked in Germany as a Research Associate on a Volkswagen Foundation (VW) project and on a German Research Community (DFG) project. He was also awarded a DAAD Research Fellowship (Germany) from 1994 to 1995. During 1999 to 2000, he was a Research Associate at the Computer Science Department of University of California, Los Angeles. Since August 2000 he has been with Kent State University and he is currently a Professor of Computer Science. He held visiting positions in Germany (Technische Universitaet Berlin), in France (Universite de la Mediterranee, Marseille and Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7), in Norway (Universitetet i Bergen), and in Chile (Universidad de Chile, Santiago). He has authored more than 150 refereed scientific publications. His research interests include design and analysis of network algorithms, algorithmic graph and hypergraph theory, computational geometry, computational biology, VLSI CAD, combinatorial optimization, discrete convexity and geometry of discrete metric spaces, distance location problems and operations research, data analysis.


My h-index is 36, my i10-index is 89, my Erdős number is 2 (e.g., Feodor F. Dragan to Dieter Kratsch to Paul Erdős) and the total number of citations of my papers is more than 3665.


v  Address

v  Curriculum Vitae

v  Publications (see also DBLP: List of publications via the DBLP site , Links to publications via Google Scholar (search for FF Dragan or F Dragan as well), and ResearchGate)

v  Teaching

o   Previous years

o   Spring 2025 (Office hours: MW 10:30 am - 12:30 pm or by appointment)

o   CS 4/56101 - DESIGN & ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS Spring 2025 (Syllabus)

o   CS 6/76110 - COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY  Spring 2025 (Syllabus)

v  Graduates

o   PhD

1.       Irina Lomonosov, 2005, Routing Schemes for Special Graph Classes.

2.       Chenyu Yan, 2007, Approximating Distances in Complicated Graphs by Distances in Simple Graphs With Applications.

3.       Yang Xiang, 2009, Reachability, Routing and Distance Labeling Schemes in Graphs with Applications in Networks and Graph Databases.

4.       Muad Abu Ata, 2014, Tree-Like Structure in Graphs and Embedability to Trees.

5.       Arne Leitert, 2017, Tree-Breadth of Graphs with Variants and Applications

6.       Hend Al-Rasheed, 2018, δ-Hyperbolicity in real-world networks: algorithmic analysis and implications

7.       Abdulhakeem Mohammed, 2019, Slimness, thinness and other negative curvature parameters of graphs

8.       Heather Guarnera, 2020, Hyperbolicity, injective hulls, and Helly graphs



o   MS

1.       Rashid Muhammad, 2003, Parallel Voronoi Diagram (co-advised).

2.       Chenyu Yan, 2004, Additive Sparse Spanners for k-Chordal Graphs.

3.       Sudha Elavarti, 2005, Addressing, Distance and Routing in Cubic Systems with Applications in 3D Cellular Networks.

4.       Mutasem Najdawi, 2005, Implementation of Addressing, Distance and Routing Labeling Schemes for Triangular Systems.

5.       Amit Borwankar, 2005, Nearest Neighbor Embracing Graph (NNEG) as a New Topology for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks.

6.       George Powell, 2005, Improvement algorithms for an industrial routing problem.

7.       Tran Anh Tuan, 2006, Analysis of two approximation algorithms for the Tree Flow Spanner Problem.

8.       Raina Siddharth, 2006, Finding a Spanning Tree Minimizing the Maximum Edge Load.

9.       Rajesh Jadhav, 2007, Routing in wireless networks without geometry.

10.   Bafna, Nitin, 2007, Labeling schemes for some location problems on trees.

11.   Viyyure, Udaykiran V, 2008, Frequency assignment in radio networks: L(3,1,1)-labeling.

12.   Bhaduri, Sudipta, 2008, Maximum cliques and minimum colorings of chordal graphs via minimum degree orderings.

13.   Rahul Sehgal, 2009, Greedy routing in a graph by aid of its spanning tree: experimental results and analysis.

14.   Rab Harbart, 2009, Addressing and Distances for Cellular Networks with Holes.

15.   Mayank Ladoia, 2012, Reconstructing Approximate Tree Metrics and Using Them to Approximate Min-Max Clustering Problem.

16.   Zoltan Karaszi, 2013, Advanced Neural Network Clustering Techniques for Liquid Crystal Texture Classification (co-advised).

17.   Kovan Mohammed Ali, 2015, Analysis of three localized algorithms for constructing dominating sets in networks.

18.   Muslem Al-Saidi, 2015, Balanced disk separators and hierarchical tree decomposition of real-life networks.

19.   Al Thoubi, Asaad Y., 2017, An Analysis of one approximation algorithm for graph linearization

20.   AL-Baghdadi, Ahmed H., 2017, Computing Top-k Closeness Centrality in Unweighted Undirected Graphs Revisited

21.   Alwabsi, Nowayer A., 2017, Finding a Minimum-Width Trounulus Covering a Set of Points on the Plane

22.   Alzaidi, Esraa R., 2017, Experiments on Chordal Graph Hellification

23.   Mike Romeo, 2018, Routing Among Planetary Bodies


o   MA

1.       Dwarakanath Raghunathan, 2005, Connected Dominating Set as Backbone for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.

2.       Pankaj, Amitabh, 2007, Heuristics for routing in internet-like graphs.


v  Current Students


1.       Xinyu Li, PhD Student

2.       Cameron Golden, PhD Student


v  Links

Feodor F. Dragan
Last updated: January 2025