Johnnie W. Baker
Refereed Poster Presentations: (A few earlier posters are missing)

1. Shannon Steinfadt and Johnnie Baker, "SWAMP: Smith-Waterman on an Associative Multi-Processor", Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics (OCCBIO), Miami University, Oxford, OH, July 9-11, 2007.

2. Weiguo Fan, Xin Lin, Johnnie W. Baker and Chun-che Tsai, "Chemical Molecular Similarity Analysis and its Applications", Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics Conference (OCCBIO'07), Poster and abstract in conference proceeding on p28, Oxford, Ohio, July 9 - 11, 2007;

3. Weiguo Fan, Xin Lin, Johnnie Baker, Chun-che Tsai, "Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis of Chemical Compounds with Antioxidant Activity", 2006 ISCB 4th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference, Aspen/Snowmass, Colorado, (Poster and abstract), December 1-3, 2006.

4. Shannon Steinfadt and Johnnie Baker, "Local sequence alignment for an associative model of parallel computation", Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics (OCCBIO 2006), June 28-30, 2006.

5. Weiguo Fan, Yu-Wei Hsieh, Xin Lin, Boren Lin, Johnnie W. Baker and Chun-che Tsai, "Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) Analysis using Structure-Activity Maps (SAMs)", OCCBIO'06 Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics Conference, Athens, Ohio, USA, June 28-30, 2006.

6. Weiguo Fan, Xin Lin, Yu-Wei Hsieh, Boren Lin, Johnnie W. Baker and Chun-che Tsai, "Chemical Structure-Activity Relationship Visualization Using Structure-Activity Maps", 2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, Stanford University, California, USA, August 8 - 11, 2005.

Student Posters

1. Each of Wittaya Chantamas Weiguo Fan, Rashid Muhammad, Shannon Steinfadt, and Mike Yuan prepared a poster for the Computer Science Poster Day Presentations 0n May 1, 2009

2. "GATOR and SWAMP: GPU Computing for Sequence Alignment" at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Keystone, Colorado, October 1, 2008 and at the 3rd Biannual Ohio Celebration of Women in Computing (OCWIC), Perrysville, Ohio, March 27, 2009

3. Shannon Steinfadt, "Massively Parallel Sequence Alignment for the Bioinformatics Domain" at the 22nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, (IPDPS TCPP Ph.D. Forum), Miami, Florida, April 17, 2008. Also, at the 3rd Annual Computer Science Poster Conference, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, April 11, 2008 -----First Place Winner

4. Each of Wittaya Chantamas Weiguo Fan, Rashid Muhammad, and Mike Yuan prepared a poster for the Computer Science Poster Day Presentations at KSU on Apri1 11, 2008

5. Wittaya Chantamas, "Design and Implementation of a Scalable Multiple Associative SIMD Model to Support the Concurrent Executions of Data Parallel Branches", TCPP International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2008 Ph.D. Forum, Miami, FL, 4/14-4/18, 2008.

6. Shannon Steinfadt, Massively Parallel Sequence Alignment for the Bioinformatics Domain. TCPP International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2008 Ph.D. Forum, Miami, FL, 4/14-4/18, 2008.

7. Shannon Steinfadt, Massively Parallel Sequence Alignment in Bioinformatics: SWAMP: Smith-Waterman using Associative Massive Parallelism. Poster session and ACM Student Research Competition. Grace Hopper Conference, Orlando, FL October 17-20, 2007. -----
Selected as a semi-finalist in the ACM Student Research Competition.

8. Shannon Steinfadt, "SWAMP: Smith-Waterman on an Associative Multi-Processor" at the Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, July 9-11, 2007
Best Overall Poster

9. Shannon Steinfadt, Massively Parallel Programming for Local Sequence Alignment in Bioinformatics, Poster Conference and Awards Ceremony, Dept. of Computer Science, Kent State University, April 13, 2007. -----
Second place winner

10. Rashid Muhammad, "Execution Time Analysis of a Parallel Euclidean Steiner Tree Algorithm", The Second Computer Science Poster Conference, April 13, 07, Kent State University, OH.

11. Both Wittaya Chantamas and Weiguo Fan prepared a poster for the Computer Science Department Poster Day Presentations at KSU on April 13. 2007.

12. Each of Wittaya Chantamas, Weiguo Fan, Rashid Muhammad, and Shannon Steinfadt prepared a poster for the Computer Science Poster Day Presentations at KSU on April 21, 2006.