The Adventures of Monty

Hello, my name is Monty, but it didn't used to be. I was originally named Brownie by my creaters. Shortly after being created by Ty in 1993, we were seperated, and shipped off to stores. I've heard there were only 1000 of us made before our identical brothers named Cubbie were started to be made. Anyway, with a few of my friends, I ended up at a mall in Montreal. We all stayed there for a while waiting to be bought by someone. Slowly we were all being bought by the nice humans who came. Then one day, I saw this really nice girl and her boyfriend come into the store. She really seemed to like me, I thought I had finally found my buyer, but then she left sad, without buying me. Just when I thought she was gone, she came running back in a hurry and bought me! Apparently her boyfriend had talked her into buying me. I was so excited! I was going to have a home.

More to come later on my advetures...

See some more pictures of me here!
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