Traveling to Flagstaff Arizona in October 2024 to attend
ICSME and VISSOFT 2024. Running a srcML Technical Briefing at ICSME and presented a papers at ICSME and VISSOFT.
Awarded a $750K grant starting in July 2023 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) with
Dr. Michael Decker from the Bowling Green State University ($447K KSU and $303K BGSU).
The CCRI (CNS 22-32594) award is entitled "Collaborative Research: CCRI: New: Syntactic
Differencing Infrastructure for Software Evolution Research".
See for more information."
Awarded a $652K grant in July 2020 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) with
Dr. Michael Collard from the University of Akron ($398K KSU and $255K UA).
The CCRI (CNS 20-16465/16452) award is entitled "ENS: Collaborative Research: Expanding Language Support for the
srcML Infrastructure"
Previous Highlights:
Traveled to Bogota Columbia October 2023 to attend
ICSME and VISSOFT 2023. Ran a srcML Technical Briefing at ICSME and presented a paper at VISSOFT.
Traveled to Melbourne Austrilia May 2023 to attend ICSE 2023. Ran a srcML Community Meeting, gave an Eye Tracking Techinical Briefing, and presented a Tool Demo Paper.
Recieved the Most Influential Paper Award at the IEEE 21st Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM) 2021 Sept. 27-28
for the 2011 paper entitled "Lightweight Transformation and Fact Extraction with the srcML Toolkit"
by Michael L. Collard, Michael Decker, and Jonathan I. Maletic
Received the 2021 Kent State University Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award, sponsored by the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs & the University Research Council
Received the Mining Software Repositories 2020Foundational Contribution Award with Dr. Michael Collard from the University of Akron for work developing the srcML Infrastructure, "which addresses many hard problems in source code parsing and has fostered a wide range of research innovations throughout software engineering". See the talk on YouTube, it starts at about minuite 26 and lasts about 15 minutes
Gave invited Keynote Address at the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering
(SANER) 2020 in London Ontario, Canada Feb. 18-21
(Download slides)
General Chair of the IEEE 35th International Conference on Software Maintenance &
Evolution (ICSME) 2019 held in Cleveland Ohio September 30 - October 4, 2019
Awarded a $528K grant June 2017 (press release) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) with
Dr. Bonita Sharif of University of Nebraska-Lincoln ($291K KSU and $237K YSU).
The CRI award is entitled "CI-New: Collaborative: An Infrastructure that Combines Eye Tracking into Integrated Development Environments to Study Software Development and Program Comprehension"
Recieved the Most Influential Paper Award at VISSOFT'17 in Shanghai, China Sept. 16-24
for the 2002 paper entitled "A Task Oriented View of Software Visualization"
by Jonathan I. Maletic, Andrian Marcus, and Michael L. Collard
Recieved the Most Influential Paper Award at WCRE/CSMR 2014,
the European Conference on Software Maintenance (CSMR'14)
and the International Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'14) in Antwerp, Belgium, Feb. 3-6
for the 2004 WCRE paper entitled "An Information Retrieval Approach to Concept Location in Source Code"
by Andrian Marcus, Andrey Sergeyev, Vaclav Rajlich, and Jonathan I. Maletic.
This well cited paper (more than 280 citations on Google scholar) is the first work to apply IR techiques (i.e., LSI) to the problem of concept location.
See introduction by PC Chairs and MIP talk by Marcus
Recieved the Most Influential Paper Award at ICPC 2013 in San Francisco, California, May 20-21
for the 2003 paper entitled "An XML-Based Lightweight C++ Fact Extractor"
by Michael L. Collard, Huzefa Kagdi, and Jonathan I. Maletic.
This well cited paper is one of the first to outline srcML and how it can be used to support static analysis of source code.
See introduction by PC Chairs and MIP talk by Maletic and Collard
Published By: J. Maletic
Last update (EST): August 22 2024 14:42:09.