Lecture Schedule
CS 6/73901 Software Engineering Methodologies
Spring 2019
Tentitive: Lecture Topic and Readings
- Intro and overview, Chapter 1
- Process models, Chapter 2, 3
- Incremental/evolutionary models
- Agile Models, Chapter 4, Beck 1999
- Requirements Analysis with UML, Chapters 5-9, www.omg.org, UML online resources (Safari)
- Design with UML
- Coupling and Cohesion
- Metrics, Chapter 15
- OO Metrics, Chidamber and Kemerer 1994, TSE
- Refactoring, Fowler 1999
- Design Patterns, Gamma et al 1995
- Architectural Styles, Shaw and Garlan 96
- Reusable Assests
- Software Testing
- Static Program Analysis
Chapters are for Pressman but other texts have similar chapters.
URL: http://www.cs.kent.edu/~jmaletic/cs63901/
Last update: Thu Nov 15 14:04:13 2018 EST