Paper Presentations Jan. 28 [Maarek'91] Maarek, Y. S., Berry, D. M., and Kaiser, G. E., (1991), "An Information Retrieval Approach for Automatically Constructing Software Libraries", IEEE Transactions On Software Engineering, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 800-813. Presenter: [Maletic'01] Maletic, J. and Marcus, A., (2001), "Supporting Program Comprehension Using Semantic and Structural Information", in Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'01), pp. 103-112. Presenter: Jan. 30 [Antoniol'00] Antoniol, G., Canfora, G., Casazza, G., and De Lucia, A., (2000), "Information Retrieval Models for Recovering Traceability Links between Code and Documentation", in Proceedings of 16th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'00), San Jose, CA, USA, 11-14 October pp. 40-51. Presenter: [Marcus'03] Marcus, A. and Maletic, J., (2003), "Recovering Documentation-to-Source-Code Traceability Links using Latent Semantic Indexing", in Proceedings of 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'03), pp. 125-135. Presenter: Feb. 4 [Hayes'03] Hayes, J. H., Dekhtyar, A., and Osborne, J., (2003), "Improving Requirements Tracebility via Information Retrieval", in Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 138-147. Presenter: [De Lucia'04] De Lucia, A., Fasano, F., Oliveto, R., and Tortora, G., (2004), "Enhancing an Artefact Management System with Traceability Recovery Features", in Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'04), pp. 306-315. Presenter: Feb. 6 [Marcus'04] Marcus, A., Sergeyev, A., Rajlich, V., and Maletic, J. I., (2004), "An Information Retrieval Approach to Concept Location in Source Code", in Proceedings of 11th IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'04), Delft, The Netherlands, November 9-12, pp. 214-223. Presenter: [Zhao'04] Zhao, W., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Sun, J., and Yang, F., (2004), "SNIAFL: towards a static non-interactive approach to feature location", in Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'04), pp. 293-303. Presenter: Feb. 11 [Ricca'04] Ricca, F., Tonella, P., Girardi, C., and Pianta, E., (2004), "An Empirical Study on Keyword-based Web Site Clustering", in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC'04), pp. 204-213. Presenter: [Pashov'04] Pashov, I., Riebisch, M., and Philippow, I., (2004), "Supporting Architectural Restructuring by Analyzing Feature Models", in Proceedings of 8th IEEE European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR’04), pp. 25-34. Presenter: Feb. 13 [Lawrie'06] Lawrie, D., Feild, H., and Binkley, D., (2006), "Leveraged Quality Assessment Using Information Retrieval Techniques", in Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'06), pp. 149-158. Presenter: [Poshyvanyk'06] Poshyvanyk, D., Gueheneuc, Y.-G., Marcus, A., Antoniol, G., and Rajlich, V., (2006), "Combining Probabilistic Ranking and Latent Semantic Indexing for Feature Identification", in Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'06), Athens, Greece, June 14-17, pp. 137-146. Presenter: Feb. 18 [Moldovan'06] Moldovan, G. and Serban, G., (2006), "Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach", in Proceedings of Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution (LATE'06). Presenter: [Poshyvanyk'07] Poshyvanyk, D. and Marcus, A., (2007), "Using Information Retrieval to Support Design of Incremental Change of Software", in Proceedings of 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'07), Atalnta, Georgia, USA, November 5-9, pp. 563-566. Presenter: Feb. 20 [Canfora'07] Canfora, G., Cerulo, L., and Di Penta, M., (2007), "Identifying Changed Source Code Lines from Version Repositories", in Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 20-26 May, pp. 14-21. Presenter: [Binkley'07] Binkley, D., Feild, H., Lawrie, D., and Pighin, M., (2007), "Software Fault Prediction using Language Processing", in Proceedings of 2nd Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference (TAIC-PART), Windsor, United Kingdom, 12-14 September, pp. 99-110. Presenter: Feb. 25