Artificial Intelligence
Programming Project #2
Due by 12:29:59 on Thursday, February 23, 2006.
Please email your solution deliverables to my departmental email account by the
due date. Click
here to email your solution. Turn in a hardcopy of your report on
February 23.
Be sure to follow the documentation standards for projects.
Introduction and Purpose
The goal of this programming assignment is to solve a robot navigation problem
using a variety of search algorithms. The domain of this problem is
RobotWorld. RobotWorld consists of a room, a robot, and a set of obstacles
in the room. The room will be specified as a 2D grid , and the obstacles
will be specified as a set of (x, y) coordinates in the room. The robot
will have an initial state and a goal state. The state representation will
simply be the location of the robot. No other objects in the room can
move. The search problem is to find the shortest path from the robot to get from
its initial state to the goal state. The robot can move horizontally and
vertically - it cannot move diagonally.
The program interface should work as follows:
robotsearch <robotworld_file>
The program must be written in Python. Consult the Python online tutorial and
reference for details on how to read command line arguments. If multiple options
are specified, they can be included on the command line in any order but all
must precede the name of the input file, which should be the last argument. <robotworld_file>
is the name of the text file containing the specification of the RobotWorld to
be solved, described next.
Input File Specification
Your program will be tested on a variety of RobotWorlds. Each RobotWorld
will be specified by an input file of the following form:
Max_Rows Max_Cols
Option Option
For example, below on the left is a sample RobotWorld input file. A picture of
the world it describes is shown on the right: * is empty, I is the robot's
initial state, G is the robot's goal state, and O represents an obstacle. The
origin of the grid is always (0, 0) (the upper left corner).
4 5 * * * * G
(3,1) * * O O O
(0,4) * O * * *
END_WORLD * I * * *
Your program should prompt the user for an input file if not provided on the
command line. If necessary, you may assume that the maximum Max_Rows and
Max_Cols will be 100. Everything in the input file will be legal. No input error
checking is needed (e.g., all x,y coordinates will be in range, width/height
will always be positive, etc.). The minimum legal/acceptable input file would
contain a complete world description, no obstacles, and one search algorithm.
Output Specifications
On every run, the program should output the number of nodes expanded in the
state space, the length of the solution path, and the solution path (sequence of
(x, y) coordinates) found. Reminder: a node is expanded when its successors are
generated. Note that the same node may be expanded multiple times with some of
the algorithms, in which case it should be counted multiple times. Each
algorithm should terminate when it finds a solution path, so only the first
solution that is found needs to be reported.
Below is an example of the output for each search algorithm (separate each
output group using a blank line):
Robot World File: test.rwf
Room Size: 4 x 5
Number of Obstacles: 4
Robot Initial Location: (3,1)
Robot Goal Location: (0,4)
Search Method: Breadth First Search
Nodes Explored: 17
Length: 9
Solution Path: (3,1) (3,0) (2,0) (1,0) (1,1) (0,1) (0,2) (0,3)
Solution Time: 0.034
Search Algorithms
BFS - Breadth
First Search - A simple strategy in which the root node is expanded first, then
all the successors of the root node are expanded next, then their successors,
and so on.
DFS - Depth First Search - Always expands the deepest node
first in the current fringe of the search tree. The search proceeds
immediately to the deepest level of the search tree, where the nodes have no
successors. As those nodes are expanded, they are dropped from the fringe,
so the search "backs-up" to the next shallowest node that still has unexplored
UCS - Uniform Cost Search - Similar to breadth first search
except the nodes to expand next have the lowest path cost. For UCS use the following cost function: Each move that
continues along the same direction as the previous move should be assigned a cost of
1. Moves in the same axis but different direction are assigned a cost of 2.
Moves in a different direction are assigned a cost of 3. This
cost function will prefer long paths and paths with fewer turns.
Greedy Best First Search - This search expands the node that is closest to the
goal on the assumption that it will lead to a solution quickly. The
heuristic to be used in GBFS is the city block distance (sometimes called the Manhattan
distance) from the current state to the goal state. This strategy should always
select the node that appears to the closest to the goal. f(n) = h(n)
ASTAR - A Star Search - This search is similar to GBFS except it also
considers the cost of reaching node n. Use the same heuristic as in GBFS
but consider the same city block distance from the current location to the
initial node also. f(n) = g(n) + h(n).
There are two options that
can be also specified with the above search algorithms.
If the option NOBACK is specified, moves of the form ni -> nj -> ni where ni and nj are states, are checked and discarded. Such a circumstance occurs when the robot takes a step in one direction and then in the very next state it goes back to where it came from.
Duplicate nodes are identical configurations reached by different sequences of moves. If duplicate nodes are found, the g(n) values should be compared and the node reopened if appropriate (e.g. if g(n) value is better than on a previous path, re-expand the node). Duplicate nodes are always generated unless the NODUPS option is specified.
Helpful Hints
As is true in any programming task, it is wise to break your approach down into
manageable steps. Below is one possible way to break this project down:
Decide how to represent the state. It is wise to implement a printing function
for states, and to include the path leading up to the state as one of the
state's fields.
Create instances of the initial and final states - these will be used to start
the search and to determine when to end the search, respectively.
Write the operators and test them - simply define some state and apply the
operators to them, making sure the output is correct.
Decide how to filter out operators that do not apply - for example, the robot
cannot move left beyond the edge of the world. (HINT: A method that takes in a
state and returns a list of operator names that apply is probably the most
straightforward way to go.)
Decide how to filter out states that would
cause a loop (when the DUPCHECK option
is given), because they appeared earlier on the path leading up to this state.
Write a "generate successors" function that takes in a state and returns a list
of states that can be reached with one operator rule application - your
filtering method from the previous step will be used here.
Write a breadth-first search that takes in an initial state (or just uses the
one you defined earlier) and returns the path from it to the final state,
showing operator rule names and resulting states.
Implement best-first search. You will need to implement the heuristic function (h(n))
to estimate the cost-left-to-go. You will need to decide how to sort your queue.
Implement A* search. You will need to incorporate cost-so-far (g(n)) into the
One benefit of development in an object-oriented language is that it is easy to
write methods and classes and test them one at a time. So, for example, when
you've written your method to generate all successors, make up some state (feel
free to sue the initial one, but you should make up others too), pass it to your
method, and hand check the output to make sure it is correct. Using this
strategy throughout your development of a solution is a good idea.
Sample Data Runs and Report
In addition to designing, developing, implementing, and testing your program,
you will write a report discussing your project.
You are responsible for generating your own test data and arguing in your
discussion that you have adequately tested the program. You may wish to turn in
output from testing runs to support the correctness of your program. If you do
so, be selective in what you provide.
Several specific RobotWorld configurations will be posted on the web page
approximately 24 hours before the due date for the assignment and you should
turn in the results of your program when given these configurations. The
particular set of flags to use for each configuration will be given along with
the configuration.
In your report, make sure you discuss the differences between the various search
algorithms and heuristic functions. Are the heuristic functions admissible
and/or consistent? What is the effect of turning on and off the two duplicate
node checks? Does your program perform as you expect it should given what you
know about heuristic search?
The format of your report should include a
title page, introduction and project description, a discussion on the
algorithmic methods, a discussion on performance, and conclusions. (Start
each separate section on a new page). Use graphs and charts to support
your conclusions. Be sure to answer and/or address the above questions.
Note the importance of the report in the overall grade and make sure you allocate adequate time for that in the assignment.
Please email your program source code, sample run files, and report file as
attachments in an email to my departmental account. The report file should be in
a file called where xxx is either txt, pdf, or doc.
You do not need to
attach any data files, but you may if you think it will help
explain how you proceeded.
All parts of this project must be turned in by
12:29:59 on Thursday, February 23.
Turn in a hardcopy of your report.