WME Installation Guide

Required System Software

Prior to installation, you must have the following software installed
on your server:

	* Apache Web Server -
	* MySQL Database -
	* PHP (version >5.0) -

Required PHP configuration

WME does have certain PHP requirements. The default PHP configuration
should be enough, but just to be sure:

	* With MySQL
	* With PEAR

See for detailed instructions.

After this is confirmed, locate the php.ini file on your server. For 
convenience, you are required to add the WME/includes/ path to
the 'include_path' directive in php.ini. Find the absolute path to your
WME/includes/ directory, then locate the 'include_path' directive in 
php.ini. Delimiting using a colon (:), add the WME include path to the
include_path directive.

(i.e. include_path = ".:/php/includes:/usr/share/pear:/var/www/html/WME/includes")

Required PHP::PEAR Support

PHP::PEAR is an open repository of useful classes that WME puts to use. 
The WME site requires several PEAR classes before it can be installed.
The required PEAR classes are:

	* XML_Parser
	* XML_Util
	* Config
	* File
In order to install these classes, make sure that PEAR is installed with PHP
(see above), and run `pear install ` on the Web server (where
 is XML_Parser, Config, File, etc.

For more information on PEAR, visit

Required Permission Settings

For security and general usability, WME requires strict permission settings.
Note what group your apache Web server runs under. Ideally, apache runs under
its own unique group.

	1.	Execute chgrp recursively with apache's group on the extracted WME/
		directory (i.e. chgrp -R apache /var/www/html/WME)

	2.	Grant full access to owner and group on the WME site global configuration
		file, stored in includes/wme.conf.xml (i.e. chmod 774 includes/wme.conf.xml).

Required MySQL account

Using your favorite MySQL interface, 

1.	Create a new MySQL database. Call it something close to "WME". 

2.	Create a new MySQL user account, and grant this user FULL privileges to only the 
	new WME database. That is, CREATE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DROP, ...

3.	Remember the new database name, and the new username and password for the WME 
	installation script in the next step!!

Run the Installation Script

Once ALL OF THE ABOVE procedures have been done, you may run the WME installation
script by pointing your browser to

This PHP script will run you through some configuration and create the necessary
WME database structure.

After the Installation

Once the installation is complete, you may want to refer to the WME site documentation
on its uses. There are such topics as installing Topic Modules and Lesson Pages to creating
user accounts and courses.

The documentation is under the help/docs/ directory of your WME site.