Microsoft Visual Studio Features


If you momentarily pause the mouse over a variable, named constant or a function invocation in the editor view of MSVS, it pops up a window describing the construct. A variable, it shows its type, for a predefined function, it shows the number and types of arguments the function takes and its return value.

During debugging, hovering over a variable shows the value it currently holds. In Version 2010, this is called data tip. Hovering over a variable during debugging gives an option of "pinning" the variable and its value to the source file. Then, as you trace the program this data tip will always show the value of the specified variable.

Floating and Docking Windows

By default the editor windows in MSVS are fixed on tabled planes of MSVS. This fixed position is called docking. A window can be moved, or floated anywhere on the screen. You can float the docked window by dragging the window's tab or title bar to the desired position. A guide diamond is a tool (see picture) that can be used to re-dock the floated window. It appears once the floated window is dragged by its title bar towards the center of the MSVS. If you release the mouse once it is in on of the arrow or the center of the guide diamond, the dragged window is docked in the appropriate pane of MSVS.

Double-clicking on the tab or the title bar of the docked window undocks it. Double clicking on the title bar of the undocked window maximizes it. Double clicking on the title bar of the maximized window returns it to its previous size. Double clicking on the title bar of the floated window returns it back to its previous docked location.

Changes Tracking

By default, MSVS tracks saving of changes in the source file. The green bar on the left of a particular line indicates that this line was saved. The yellow bar indicates that the line was modified since last time the file was saved.

This behavior may be turned on and off by going to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> Track Changes .

Automatic Indentation

MSVS can automatically indent the code in a highlighted region. For that, select the portion of the code (Ctrl+A selects all) you want indented. The go to Edit -> Advanced -> Format Selection or press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F

The number of indentation spaces can be modified by going to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Tabs -> Indent size

Code Folding

MSVS allows the programmer to selectively hide function and class definitions displaying only their heads (code outline). This allows the programmer to manage large source files and focus only on code that is relevant for the particular task at hand.

Foldable constructs are marked by plus or minus signs on the left border of the editor window. To fold construct click on the minus sign. To unfold a construct --- click on the plus sign.

Ctrl+M Ctrl+M folds or unfolds the current code block. Ctrl+M Ctrl+O folds all code blocks. Ctrl+M Ctrl+L unfolds all code blocks.

Autocompletion with Intellisense

MSVS can evaluate the context of the code being typed and offer variants of completing in a dropdown list. This feature is called Intellisense in MSVS. Intellisense automatically invokes the dropdown list once ".", "-->" and "::" (dot, arrow, and scope resolution operator) is typed. Then, the Intellisense offers the list of the specific member variables and methods for the particular class and scope. Intellisense can be forced anywhere in the code (for example, the complete a half-typed variable or function name). The forcing is done by pressing Ctrl+J or Ctrl-Space

Itellisense can be used for word completion. Once you typed enough to unambiguously complete the variable, function or anther construct name, you can press Alt-RIGHT ARROW for MSVS to complete the name. If the beginning is ambiguous MSVS opens the dropdown box with the completion variants.

Call Hierarchy

For class member functions (methods) MSVS can show the picture of method invocation called Call Hierarchy. Specifically, in the Call Hierarchy window, for each particular method MSVS shows which methods invoke (call) this method and which methods are called from this method. The information is recursive: each method in the caller/callee list can be further expanded. Note that the list of methods is available only after the method is defined. Call Sites pane shows the particular lines where the method is invoked. If you right-click on the function and select Go To Definition or press F12, MSVS shows the method definition in the Editor window.

To show call hierarchy for the particular method, right-click on its name in the editor window and select View Call Hierarchy or press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+T

Code Definition and Object Definition Windows

Code Definition and Object Definition Windows are read-only drop-down menus located above the text editor window. They are used for code navigation. Selecting an item from the menu list takes the editor to the particular item definition.

As you move the cursor in the editor, Code Definition Window shows the function prototypes, type definition, etc. available in the particular scope. Object Definition Window displays the available scopes.

Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks