This course is an integrative experience that brings together all components of the undergraduate computer science curriculum in an applied, hands on real world setting. The students work together to complete a computer project under the supervision of the instructor. The course is a writing intensive class in which the student writes regular reports describing his/her progress toward completing the project. The course is three credits lecture and one credit lab. Prerequisite: CS 35201, 33901,33005.
Course Requirements
Working in a group (4-5 members) design, implement, and demonstrate the project software.
The project teams will produce an initial report describing their project, its goals and a time line for its implementation. Over the course of the rest of the semester that report will be update with completed software and documentation. Reports are submitted to BlackBoard and source code to the class software repository.
After the initial design phase, approximately every two or three weeks each team will present a progress report to the class discussing what they have accomplished and discussing any revisions in project time lines and goals. Each week each member of the team will contribute to a team project report describing what the team accomplished. The project reports will account for 30% of the class grade.
Each student will write a final report describing what (s)he contributed to the project and participate in the final group report on the project. The final report and presentation will account for 40% of the grade.
Class and Lab Participation (class presentation, lab interactions, lab productivity, class discussions, group participation, finding solutions to posted problems, etc): 40% of the grade.
The remaining 20% will be awarded for team participation and leadership.
The class time and lab time are for planning, trouble shooting, and problem solving, not for project coding. Students are expected to do most of their development work outside of classes and lab. When project development has started evidence of weekly code development is required.
Instructor: Arden Ruttan, 270 MSB. Phone 29066. User ID. ruttan. It is best to send me email when you wish to contact me.
Office Hours: 1-2 M-F and by appointment.
Please note the University Policy on Cheating and Plagarism and the potential penalties associated with those activities
University policy 3342-3-18 requires that students with disabilities be provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to make arrangements for necessary classroom adjustments. Please note, you must first verify your eligibility for these through Student Disability Services (contact 330-672-3391 or visit for more information on registration procedures).