My Greyhound Page

In 1994, when I was a senior in High School, my family adopted a greyhound. We named her Belle for several reasons: she arrived on Christmas day, and we were all big fans of the Indians who had Albert Belle at the time.

Before we adopted Belle, she raced with other greyhounds. This kept her very lean and in good shape. Supposedly racing greyhounds have less than 5% fat in their body. Here's a picture of her in racing form just before we adopted her:

Being a racing dog, you would think that Belle would be active, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. She was a very lazy dog who loved just lying around most of the day. This is a picture of her watching squirrels run around our back yard.

She loved playing with soft toys like the one pictured below. She especially liked it when they made some sort of noise.

After I graduated from High School, Belle was left alone with my parents while I attended College. But after getting married, getting a job, and finally a house of our own, we moved Belle to our house. Here she is with my son and me. I think she's trying to figure out what in the world Scott is doing and if she should move out of the way.

Sadly, she soon developed cancer, which is common in greyhounds. We had her leg removed and she went through chemotherapy. It took a little while but she really came back and started acting like herself again! Here's a picture of her lounging. You can see where her right hind leg is missing:(

She went on to live almost another two years after her chemotherapy, almost twice as long as the doctors were hoping for. But in the summer of 2001, the cancer had spread badly enough that she was in severe pain, and we had her put to sleep.

She was a well loved member of the family! Here's a few more pictures of her:

Racing Greyhounds are often abused, and are very often euthanized when they can't race anymore. Adopting a Greyhound can help to save these poor dogs that are so beautiful and so loving. Visit here for more info on adopting a Greyhound:
Greyhound rescue organizations from yahoo

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