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Anglish Features Examples of Tables
Labeled Tables Anglish Operators and Functions

Simple Tables and Charts

Anglish data are organized into tables (sometimes called charts). When a simple, single formula is involved in a computation, it can be used to label the table's columns. If multiple formulas are needed their terms can be combined to form combined table labels. The formula may be used in the program, which in Anglish is specified after the table.

-------------------------------  \
|ABC Corp| rate | time | wage |   | Table Header - Column Names
-------------------------------  / 
|Joan    | 5.40 | 40.00|      |  \ 
-------------------------------   |
|John    | 6.80 | 32.00|      |   | Data
-------------------------------   |
|Jane    | 6.25 | 37.50|      |   |
-------------------------------  /
wage$ = rate$ X time$            -  Program

Anglish labeled tables are easy to use. The program above shows that "X" can be used as an operator in Anglish.