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Examples of Labeled Tables

---------------------------    ---------------------------    ---------------------------
|      |price|number|cost |    |      |price|number|cost |    |      |price|number|cost |
---------------------------    ---------------------------    ---------------------------
|ties  |10.00|  3   |30.00|    |ties  |10.00|  3   |30.00|    |ties  |10.00|   3  |30.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------    ---------------------------
|shirts|30.00|  2   |60.00|    |shirts|30.00|  2   |60.00|    |shirts|30.00|   2  |60.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------    ---------------------------
|total |40.00|  5   |90.00|    |total |40.00|  5   |90.00|    |total |40.00|   5  |90.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------    ---------------------------
       The number$.                 The shirts's price.             The total cost.
                                    The shirts price.               The cost's total.
                                    The price of the shirts.        The cost total.
                                    The price shirts.               The total of cost.