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Story Problems
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List of Story Problems
Anglish Statements
Labeled Tables
Associative Tables
Restricted Adjectives
Associative Tables
Examples of Associative Tables

Examples of Multiple Labeled Tables

---------------------------    ---------------------------
|sale 1|price|number|cost |    |sale 2|price|number|cost |
---------------------------    ---------------------------
|ties  |10.00|  3   |30.00|    |ties  |10.00|  3   |30.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------
|shirts|30.00|  2   |60.00|    |shirts|30.00|  2   |60.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------
|total |40.00|  5   |90.00|    |total |40.00|  5   |90.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------
                   sale 2's total cost.
                   sale 2's cost total.
                   the total cost of sale 2.

---------------------------    ---------------------------
|sale 1|price|number|cost |    |sale 2|price|number|cost |
---------------------------    ---------------------------
|ties  |10.00|  3   |30.00|    |ties  |10.00|  3   |30.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------
|shirts|30.00|  2   |60.00|    |shirts|30.00|  2   |60.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------
|total |40.00|  5   |90.00|    |total |40.00|  5   |90.00|
---------------------------    ---------------------------
                   the number of shirts