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Anglish Plurals

Anglish can solve several similar problems by using plurals - indicated by $. As with possessives, Anglish goes for simplicity and regularity and uses $ for all plurals. There are no irregular plurals. The important consideration is that the statements of the program be common to all rows of the table. That is, when the plural form is used, it applies to all rows. Thus, plurals can also be used for multiple problems in a single table if there is a seperate row for each problem. Consider the following two problems:

     The results of an experiment yielded 25.2 cm.  The true
     measure was 26.5 cm.  What is the percent of error?

     The true mass of an object is 450.4 grams.  An experiment to
     determine the mass yielded 420.6 grams.  What was the percent
     of the error?
Both problems use the same program:
     error = true value - experimental value
     percent error = (error/true value) X 100
The answers to the problems can be computed in simultaneously using plurals. Consider:
           |true | experimental| error | percent| 
           |value| value       |       | error  | 
           | 26.5|    25.2     |       |        | 
           |450.4|  420.6      |       |        |
          error$ = true value$ - experimental value$;
          percent error$ = (error$/true value$) X 100;
Sometimes the rows of the tables are not identical and it is desirable to restrict plurals.