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Logical Expressions

Anglish sentences that restrict the application of plurals often use logical expressions. Logical expressions contain combinations of comparisons. The Anglish comparison and logical operators are shown in the Anglish operator table.

The grammar for logical expressions is explained below:

        A logical expression can be just a simple comparison.
        A logical expression can be any number of comparisons connected by logical operators.
        A comparison can be between i) two columns,
                                    ii) a single value and a column,
                                    iii) two single values.

The comparison operations are: i) greater than, ii) greater than or equal to, iii) equal to, iv) not equal to, v) less than, and vi) less than or equal to. The logical operations are and, or and not.

Some examples of logical expressions are:

grade$ equal to a
grade$ greater than or equal to d and less than or equal to b

Often expressions are written with mathematical operators and notation. For example:

grade$ == a
grade$ >= d and grade$ <= a

An example of a problem with logical expressions and wherever conditions can be found in the grade book problem.