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Compound Column Names

As the table from XYZ's payroll illustrates, when column names have multiple parts, the column widths can become overly wide. An Anglish alternative is to double up names in the column header. Anglish requires that all the formula "punctuation" be repeated in every row of the header. A single column label may be in any row. For example,

          |      |(rate X time)+(over X over)= wage |
          |      |(     X     )+(rate X time)=      |
          |      |(     X time)+(over X over)= wage |
          |      |(rate X     )+(rate X time)=      |
and       -------------------------------------------
          |      |(rate X     )+(over X over)= wage |
          |      |(     X time)+(rate X time)=      |

are equivalent. By moving rate, time or wage from the top row to the bottom, eight different combinations are possible. All are acceptable, but the first one above is preferred. Anglish output is in the preferred form as shown by XYZ's computed payroll.