RGB Color Web Utility
RGB values in
  RGB values in

Color Words
The buttons below are all of the color words supported by html. When you click on them, the background is changed to that color using:
(e.g. color_word could be: Red)
Also, the RGB values which represent those colors are displayed in the RGB text fields on the left.
Variable Background Color Changer
Change the step value for the above buttons to:
This web page is best if viewed on a 800 X 600 resolution or greater.
If the above rule is not fully visible, then your screen is LESS than 800 X 600

This web utility can be used to figure out what color schemes you would like to use for your web pages. Please keep in mind that the colors shown in the background are how the BROWSERS actually show the specified color, and NOT how a graphic program will show the same RGB values. Taking these values and using them in PhotoShop for instance may produce a slightly different color.

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