Brief Bio
A Ph.D. and faculty member from MIT, Paul S. Wang (王 士 弘) became a Computer Science professor (Kent State University) in 1981, and served as a Director at the Institute for Computational Mathematics at Kent from 1986 to 2011. He retired in 2012 and is now professor emeritus at Kent State University.
Paul is a leading expert in Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (SAC), most noted for his work on polynomial factoring and GCD algorithms. He has conducted over forty research projects funded by government and industry, authored many well-regarded Computer Science textbooks, most also translated into foreign languages, and released many software tools. He received the Ohio Governor's Award for University Faculty Entrepreneurship (2001). Paul supervised 14 Ph.D. and over 26 Master-degree students.
His Ph.D. dissertation, advised by Joel Moses, was on Evaluation of Definite Integrals by Symbolic Manipulation.
Paul's expertise is in automation of mathematical computation. His main research interests include
Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (SAC),
polynomial factoring and GCD algorithms, automatic code generation,
Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation (IAMC), enabling technologies
for and classroom delivery of Web-based Mathematics Education (WME),
as well as parallel and distributed SAC. Paul has made significant contributions
to many parts of the MAXIMA
computer algebra system. See
these online demos
for an experience with MAXIMA.
See these WME online lessons developed for and used at Kimptom Middle School, Stow Ohio.
Paul continues to work jointly with others nationally and internationally in computer science teaching and research, Web-based mathematics education (WME), write textbooks, IT consult as, and manage, a Web developer.
Most recently, his focus is on the study, introduction, application, and promotion of Computational Thinking.
Computational Thinking (CT)
CT Articles
Understanding Computational Thinking and Its Importance --- An Overview, Sept. 2020.
College textbook From Computing to Computational Thinking
CRC Press, October, 2015.
The COMPUTIZE.ORG site for learning computational thinking. Spring 2015
Computational Thinking in Other Languages
Invited keynote speech, 計算思維的重要性和推廣
, 第四届计算思维和大学计算机课程教学改革研讨会, Dalian, China, July 29, 2015. See these pictures.
Korean translation of From Computing to Computational Thinking 컴퓨팅 사고력과 소프트웨어의 이해 02/22/2017
Chinese college textbook 大学计算机教程——从计算到计算思维
(with Professor 李 廉, HFUT),
高等教育出版社, Beijing China (published September 2016)
計算思維 博客文章
(05/23/2019) 零與壹的世界,
(05/04/2021) 數字貨幣要來了
(10/01/2022) 小鸡和白兔教你明白編程
Mastering Modern Linux, second edition of Mastering Linux, ISBN: 978-0-8153-8098-6, CRC Press, June 2018.
Summer Special Short Course on Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5
HFUT, Hefei, China, July 7 to 22, 2015.
Research academic tour in China August 13--29, 2012: Beijing, LanZhou University, and HFUT. See these pictures.
Paul's publications in the ACM Digital Library; Paul's publications at ResearchGate.
Web technologies (XML, MathML, SVG, HTML5, Web services, protocols, server-side and slient-side scripting) and their applications to communication and interoperability of mathematics and support of mathematics education.
Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation (IAMC)
and Demos of Mathematical ComputationsWeb-based Mathematics Editor: MathEdit
Many aspects of Symbolic Computation: univariate and multivariate polynomial factorization and GCD algorithms, p-adic lifting algorithms, modular algorithms, linear algebra, heuristics for definite integration, limits, complex simplification, generating Fortran, LaTeX, and MathML codes.
Paul has been in the IT consulting business since he established in the early 1980s. Services include research visits/lectures, on-site IT training courses, website planning and development, project review, and technical management support.
Sofpower clients include:
- B.F. Goodrich R&D Center, Cleveland, OH
- BP (America) Research, Warrensville, OH
- General Motors Research Labs, Detroit, MI
- Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Akron, OH
- Hewlett-Packard Research Labs, Palo Alto, CA
- Institute for Information Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Republic of China.
- Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems, Akron, OH
- NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH
- Picker International, Cleveland, OH
- Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA
- UNDP--United Nations Development Program
- Westfield Companies, Westfield Center, OH
In 1998, Paul took a four-week consulting assignment to China (Beijing, Lanzhou, and Xian), sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Paul welcomes your IT consulting inquiries. Simply email
Web Development
Paul established for Web Design and Development in 2001. He brings great technical expertise as well as knowledge of practical applications to Web development.
He has taught Web design and programming for more than 10 years and has published two textbooks on the subject--- An Introduction to Web Design and Programming (2003) and Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5 (2012). The Web development team at has great experience in designing and building highly functional and attractive websites that actually help small businesses grow and prosper.
If you need help with starting or updating your website, please don't hesitate to contact
王士弘 (Paul S. Wang) 是電腦科學家, 台灣中興大學應用數學系學士, 美國麻省理工學院(MIT)計算科學博士, 美國肯特州立大學計算機科學系正教授。 他是數學計算自動化方面的國際知名專家,也是計算思維的前沿推動者。2012年退休為名譽教授。
王士弘1944年出生於西安(父:王超凡, 母:張蓓),幼年隨同他的家人到台灣,1956台北女師附小畢業, 1962台北師大附中畢業, 1966台中中興大學應用數學系畢業, 1967年獲得麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)免教學全额研究生獎學金。
在教授 Joel Moses 的指導下,王士弘在1971年獲得了MIT計算機博士學位。博士論文題目是 Evaluation of Definite Integrals by Symbolic Manipulation (由符號運算計算定積分) [1]。 這項工作對複變函數公式化簡, 極限值, 和定積分的計算 產生了突破性的啟發式算法, 並以LISP語言編碼實現在 麻省理工學院計算機科學實驗室 (Laboratory for Computer Science) 的MACSYMA符號數學計算系統內。
王士弘和父親王超凡族系安徽仙源王氏。籍貫安徽省太平縣, 今安徽黄山市; 母張蓓; 妻葛孝薇; 有一兒二女。
任教於麻省理工學院期間(1974-1977),王士弘繼續研究開發新算法,並添加MACSYMA功能 ,尤其是單變量和多變量多項式最大公約式(GCD)和因式分解的算法 [2]。
In many respects I view this algorithm for factorization to be Macsyma’s greatest algorithmic achievement. (在許多方面,我認為這個因式分解算法為MACSYMA 在算法上的最大成就。)
——Joel Moses,My Memoirs [3]
該多項式算法是快速,高效, 實用的算法。可以在網上訪問這些算法--那是 數學計算互動演示 的一部分。那互動演示是美國威斯康星大學 互聯網偵察員 選中的網址之一。在肯特 州立大學, 王士弘和他小組的工作 也導致在 開源軟件 MAXIMA 計算機代數係統 中的許多功能包括 多項式因式分解,多項式最大公約式, 和自動生成 F77,LaTeX, 及MathML代碼。
在1977年秋季,王士弘轉到肯特州立大學, 開始建立了當時肯特州立大學數學科學系內的計算機 (CS) 學科。 指導和畢業了14位博士。 1981年他成為正教授, 和計算數學研究所主任(1986)。王士弘引導肯特 州立大學計算機學科成為一個獨立的新學系, 現大約有20名教授, 是俄亥俄州州立大學中四個CS博士項目之一。
除了許多學術研究論文之外, 王士弘的著作還包括一系列廣受歡迎的計算科學教材, 包括操作系統(UNIX 和 Linux),面向對象編程(OOP) (C++ 和 Java),網站開發 (Web Design and Programming) , 以及计算思維 (Computational Thinking)。
ACM 計算機評論 (ACM Computing Reviews) 說王士弘的 Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5 (動態網站編程和HTML5) [4]:
The scope of topics is broad, including Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and HTML5, cascading style sheets (CSS), the document object model (DOM), JavaScript, PHP programming, MySQL database support, Apache web hosting, Extensible Markup Language (XML), Ajax, scalable vector graphics (SVG) and MathML, and mobile device computing. This is an ambitious list of topics to cover in a little over 600 pages. Fortunately, it looks like the author succeeded in his goal. (主題的範圍很廣,包括超文本標記語言(HTML)和HTML5,層疊樣式表(CSS),文檔對像模型(DOM),JavaScript編程,PHP編程,MySQL數據庫支持,Apache網站託管,可擴展標記語言( XML),AJAX編程,可伸縮矢量圖形(SVG), 數學標記語言(MathML), 和移動平台網站設計。用略高於600的頁數, 這是一個雄心勃勃的主題範圍。幸運的是,看來筆者成功的達到了目標。)
——Anthony J. Duben,ACM Computing Reviews, CR141573 (1312-1049)
ACM 計算機評論 又說王士弘的 Mastering Linux [5]:
This authoritative and exceptionally well-constructed book has my highest recommendation. It will repay careful and recursive study. (我對這權威和極其結構良好的書有最高的推薦。它會報答細心和重複的研究。)
——George Hacken,ACM Computing Reviews, CR139350 (1203-0236)
中國高等教育出版社 出版了王士弘教材中文翻譯本, 包括: web設計與編程導論, 標準 C++ 與面向對象程序設計, 和 Java面向對象程序設計。台灣全華圖書股份有限公司出版了翻譯本 C++: 面向對象程式設計。
也有的書被翻譯成日文,西班牙文, 或希臘文出版。
王士弘喜歡跨學科合作。他與視覺傳達設計人員 (Visual communication designers) 溝通 網頁設計和編程[6], 並和幼兒園到12年級 K-12 數學教育工作者共同致力發展7年級的 基於Web的數學教育(WME)[7]。他領導的 WME 研究小組已經取得了數學互動展示學習, 和網 上數學教學的顯著貢獻。
2015年出版美國第一本關於计算思维的大學教科書 "From Computing to Computational Thinkng" 。 該書已經被翻譯成多種語言。
2016年與合肥工业大学教授李廉合作出版教材 "大学计算机教程——从计算到计算思维" 適合非專業生計算入門課。
從2017年開始王建立了自己的計算思維博客 在非技術人員中推廣計算思維。
2024年 出版計算思維大眾版 "Becoming a Computational Thinker: Success in the Digital Age".
MAXIMA 符號數學系統的許多重要部分, 包括多項式因式分解, 最大公約式, 複變和三角函數運算, 極限值(limit)計算, 定積分, 向量和行列式運算, 數學公式 Fortran, LaTeX 和 MathML 代碼生成。
數學計算在線互動演示 (互聯網偵察兵推薦的工具之一。 可以做代數,微積分和其他高級數學計算。
王士弘的信息技術顧問業務起步於20世紀80年代初, 有許多著名的客戶包括聯合國開發計劃 署, 美國航空航天局, 固特異(Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company), 洛克希德马丁(Lockheed Martin), 帕洛阿爾托實驗室 (HP palo alto Labs), 和桑迪亞國家實驗室 (Sandia National Laboratories)。
2012年退休後,王士弘繼續他的信息技術諮詢(, 网站开发(,计算思維教學研究,和志願工作。
- Wang, P.S. (1971). Evaluation of Definite Integrals by Symbolic Manipulation, MIT LCS Technical Report #092, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Wang, P.S. (1978). An improved multivariate polynomial factoring algorithm, Journal of Math. Comp. 32, pp. 1215-1231.
- Moses, Joel (2007). My Life
- Wang, Paul S. (2012). Dynamic Web programming and HTML5, p. 664. Chapman and Hall/CRC, Florida USA. ISBN 1439871825.
- Wang, Paul S. (2010). Mastering Linux, p. 439. Chapman and Hall/CRC, Florida USA. ISBN 1439806861.
- Wang, Paul S. and Katila, Sanda (2003). An Introduction to Web Design and Programming, p. 592. Course Technology/Cengage Learning, Boston MA USA. ISBN 0534395287.
- Mikusa, M., Wang, P., Chiu, D., Lai, X., Zou, X. (2004). Web-based Mathematics Education Pilot Project, pp. 132-138. Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Information Technology in Education (ITE'04), Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA USA.