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[ MG Web App | Functionalities | Web App Flow ]

Mathematics Glossary Web Application

MG Web Application provides easy and effective ways for building and maintaining the glossary database. Having simple and intuitive user interfaces, the teachers, students and other users can take full advantage of it. The main features of the Web application can be broadly categorized for three different user groups - general users, registered users and the site administrator. General users are mostly students and other public users. They have very limited accessibility and authority compared to the other user groups. Registered users are the people who have an account in the system.

Click here to log in to the system

MG Web Application Functionalities

  1. General User Features: A general user is anybody who is using the MG Web Application without a user account. They do not have to go through the sign up or authentication process to view the contents. They may only search through the glossary materials and view them. They do not have authority to edit or add anything to the site.
  2. Registered User Features: Registered users are mostly teachers/educators, mathematics researchers and professional experts. They need to create an account before accessing the Web site. They have a lot more functionalities than the general users.
    • Creating new Terms
    • Modifying Terms
    • Searching Terms
    • Rating and Feedback
  3. Administrative Features: The site administrator has access to all the previous functionalities. In addition to those he has some more authorities for proper manageability and maintainability of the site.
    • Managing Terms
    • Managing Users

MG Web Application Flow

The glossary Web application provides two different interfaces for different user groups - public interface and the admin interface. Both sections are secured and require user authentication. After logging in, a user can perform various functionalities. He can create a new term, edit/modify his own terms and rate and make comments on other terms. When the user adds a new term, the term does not appear on the public section right away.

Once the new terms are submitted the administrator of the site is notified. He then analyzes the newly added terms and makes appropriate decision whether to approve them or reject them. If a term already exists in the database and the newly added one is just a repetition of the existing one or the content is not correct, the administrator may reject the term or may accept it after changing the content. After approving or rejecting a term the site administrator can send email to the author and notify him about the status of the term.