Shannon I. Steinfadt


Unofficial Versions of Publications

These are intended for easier reference.  Papers listed here may be earlier versions than the published paper. 

Shannon Steinfadt and Johnnie W. Baker. SWAMP: Smith-Waterman using Associative Massive Parallelism will be published in the upcoming 9th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing Workshop held concurrently with IPDPS, April 14-19, 2008, Miami, FL.

Shannon Steinfadt, Michael Schereger and Johnnie W. BakerA Local Sequence Alignment Algorithm Using an Associative Model of Parallel ComputationIASTED's Computational and Systems Biology (CASB 2006) November 13-15, 2006, Dallas, TX. (unofficial version PDF)

S. Steinfadt & Ellen L. Walker. Don’t Panic: Friendly Advice on Teaching Your First Course as a Graduate AssistantMidWIC 2006 proceedings, 9/29-30, 2006, Greencastle, IN. (unofficial version PDF)

Shannon Steinfadt.  Local sequence alignment for an associative model of parallel computationOCCBio 2006 Proceedings, 6/28-30, 2006.  Athens, Ohio.  Note: this is actually an earlier version of the algorithm that uses a completely different organization.  That algorithm was never fully implemented.



©2006-2008 Shannon I. Steinfadt