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DMAD: Distributed Mathematics Assessment Database


DMAD in WME Site Architecture

DMAD (Distributed Mathematics Assessment Database):

  It is a way of helping Math teachers to quickly and easily author, edit, and share questions with other teachers either from same or different schools.

DMAD provides an efficient, effective and systematic way to support the assessment needs of mathematics education and a platform for teachers at different schools to contribute and share assessment materials. It utilizes distributed database and Web technologies to achieve these functions. DMAD also helps Mathematics teachers to quickly and easily author, edit, administer and manage tests. They can also easily import materials from or share questions with other teachers.

DMAD Organization Overview:

DMAD Organization Overview
  • DMAD (Distributed Mathematics Assessment Database): is a database distributed at different WME server sites that collects assessment questions provided by teachers so they can be shared by others.
  • PTA (Per Teacher Assessment Database): is a database owned by each Math teacher in a certain school, containing teacher’s assessments, questions, assessment tests, student answers, grades, etc.
  • PSA (Per School Assessment Database): is a database owned by a certain school, containing questions contributed by different teachers of same school.

About Author

Name: Saleh Al-Shomrani


  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computer Science, 1997. King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • I was Teaching Assistant (TA) at Computer Science Department in 1998, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Master of Science (MS) in Math/Computer Science from Ohio University, Athens Campus, USA, Spring 2001.
  • Currently, I am a PhD student at Computer Science department at Kent State University.
  • I have been selected by the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) for the 'research award for 2005', from Kent State University.


Milestones for Spring 2005:

- by End of January 05:
  • Planning for new Assessment (DMAD) objectives, features, and activities for 2005.
- by End of February 05:
  • Display Assessment test results (by 'student' and by 'question') is completed, in addition to providing some useful and real-time statistics for teachers.
  • Add more questions to Kimpton school Assessment database.
  • The Assessment database is tested enough, to be ready for use by school teachers.
  • The Assessment database is ready for in-class trials (on kimpton site), tentative version.
- by End of March 05:
  • Attending the ECCAD conference in Asland University, Ohio.
  • Create new more sites (on eagle server), and add questions to their databases.
  • Consider the feedback and comments by school teachers and education experts.
  • The DMAD presentation slides and demos are ready for the IEEE Southeast 2005 Conference.
- by End of April 05:
  • Attending the IEEE Southeast 2005 conference and presenting the DMAD paper, Ft Lauderdale, Florida.
  • First step of WME system Integration is done. DMAD uses the same WME login system of the model site on eagle server instead of its own login system.
  • Start building a tentive 'Search method' for DMAD sites, using the 'light-weight' approach.
- by End of May 05:
  • A rough 'Search method' for DMAD is completed and can be used by real educators.
  • A prototype DMAD is ready for deployment in WME.
  • The student 'Test display' has been changed to be one question at a time with an acumelative automatic storing of student answers

Milestones for Summer 2005:

- by End of June 05:
  • Implement other permutations for Display questions by 'given order' and by 'Random questions/Random options'.
  • Improve Security of the system (add test 'Ticket numbers' or any other good way).
- by End of July 05:
  • Take teacher's inputs into consideration and further improve DMAD.
  • Implement 'Convert question' feature, from one question type to another.
- by End of August 05:
  • Modify 'Create question' capability to include (possible mistakes) and correlate them to existing WME TMs/ALs.
  • Start building an XML-based DMAD (Web service), so it can be included in WME ALs, or by MeML or others.

Progress & Status


