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GeometryEditor: An SVG Based Tool for Plane Geometry and Mathematics Education
GeometryEditor also known as GeoSVG is a collaborative research project
at ICM, Kent State University. Here is a list of our publication related to
this project.
Xun Lai and Paul Wang. GeoSVG: A Web-based Interactive Plane Geometry System for Mathematics Education,
Proceedings, the 2nd IASTED International Conference on
EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY (ICET), July 17-19, 2006, pp. 5-10.
Xun Lai and Paul Wang. An SVG Based Tool for Plane Geometry and Mathematics Education,
IAMC 2005 Workshop, online Proceedings, July 24 2005, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Xun Lai and Paul Wang. An SVG Based Tool for Plane Geometry and Mathematics Education, Proceedings,
IEEE Southeast Conference, April 2005
Documents for developers